
Prescribed Projects 

Only “prescribed projects” are subjected to IEE / EIA. The list of prescribed projects requiring an IEE / EIA under the provisions of the National Environmental Act as contained in the Gazette No. Gazette Extra Ordinary No. 772/22 dated 24.06.1993, 859/14 of 23.02.1995 and Gazette Extra Ordinary No. 1104/22 dated 05.11.1999 are given below;



1.    All river basin development and irrigation projects excluding minor irrigation works (as defined by Irrigation Ordinance chapter 453)      
2.    Reclamation of land, wetland area exceeding 4 hectares         
3.    Extraction of timber covering land area exceeding 5 hectares
4.    Conversion of forest covering an area exceeding 1 hectare into non-forest uses          
5.    Clearing of land areas exceeding 50 hectares
6.    Mining and Mineral Extraction  

  • Inland deep mining and mineral extraction involving a depth exceeding 25 meters
  • Inland surface mining of cumulative areas exceeding 10 hectares
  • All off shore mining and mineral extractions.
  • Mechanized mining and quarrying operations of aggregate, marble, limestone, silica, quarts and decorative stone within 1 kilometer of any residential or commercial areas

7.    Transportation systems           

  • Construction of national and provincial highway involving a length exceeding 10 kilometers.
  • Construction of railway lines
  • Construction of airports
  • Construction of airstrips
  • Expansion of airports or airstrips that increase capacity by 50 percent or more       

8.    Port and harbour development     

  • Construction of ports
  • Construction of harbours
  • Port expansion involving an annual increase of 50% or more in handling capacity per annum               

9.    Power generation and transmission 

  • Construction of hydroelectric power stations exceeding 50 Megawatts
  • Construction of thermal power plants having generation capacity exceeding 25 Megawatts at a single location or capacity addition exceeding 25 Megawatts to existing plants
  • Construction of nuclear power plants
  • All renewable energy based electricity generating stations exceeding 50 Megawatts.             

10.    Transmission lines

Installation of overhead transmission lines of length exceeding 10 kilometers and voltage above 50 kilovolts    

11.    Housing and building

Integrated multi-development activities consisting of housing, industry, commercial infrastructure covering a land area exceeding 10 hectares.   

12.    Resettlement

Involuntary resettlement exceeding 100 families other than resettlement effected under emergency situations.  

13.    Water supply

All ground water extraction projects of capacity exceeding ½ million cubic meters per day.
Construction of water treatment plants of capacity exceeding ½ million cubic meters.

14.    Pipelines

Laying of gas and liquid (excluding water) transfer pipelines of length exceeding 1 kilometer  

15.    Hotels

Construction of hotels or holiday resorts or projects which provide recreational facilities exceeding 99 rooms or 40 hectares, as the case may be       

16.    Fisheries

  • Aquaculture development projects of extent exceeding 4 hectares
  • Construction of fisheries harbours
  • Fisheries harbour expansion projects involving an increase of 50% or more in fish handling capacity per annum       

17.    All tunneling projects   

18.    Disposal of waste

  • Construction of any solid waste disposal facility having a capacity exceeding 100 tons per day.
  • Construction of waste treatment plants treating toxic or hazardous waste   

19.    Development of all Industrial Estates and Parks exceeding an area of 10 hectares   

20.    Iron and Steel Industries

  • Manufacture of iron and steel products of production capacity exceeding 100 tons per day using iron are as raw material
  • Manufacture of iron and steel products of production capacity exceeding 100 tons per day using scrap iron ore as raw material

21.    Non-Ferrous Basic Metal Industries

Smelting of aluminum or copper or lead of production capacity exceeding 25 tons per day   

22.    Basic Industrial Chemicals

  • Formulation of toxic chemicals of production capacity exceeding 50 tons per day
  • Manufacture of toxic chemicals of production capacity exceeding 25 tons per day   

23.    Pesticides and Fertilizers

  • Formulation of pesticides of combined production capacity exceeding 50 tons per day
  • Manufacture of pesticides of combined production capacity exceeding 25 tons per day       

24.    Petroleum and Petrochemical

  • Petroleum refineries producing gasoline, fuel oils, illuminating oils, lubricating oils and grease, aviation and marine fuel and liquefied petroleum gas from crude petroleum.
  • Manufacture of petro-chemicals of combined production capacity exceeding 100 tons per day from production processes of oil refinery or natural gas separation.  

25.    Tyre and Tube Industries

Manufacture of tyre and tubes of combined production capacity exceeding 100 tons per day form natural or synthetic rubber.     

26.    Sugar factories

Manufacture of refined sugar of combined production capacity exceeding 50 tons per day. 

27.    Cement and Lime

  • Manufacture of Cement through production of clinker
  • Manufacture of lime employing kiln capacity exceeding 50 tons per day        

28.    Paper and Pulp

Manufacture of paper or pulp of combined production capacity exceeding 50 tons per day.

29.    Spinning, Weaving and Finishing of Textiles

Integrated cotton or synthetic textile mills employing spinning, weaving, dyeing and printing operations together of combined production capacity exceeding 50 tons per day.      

30.    Tanneries and Leather Finishing

  • Chrome tanneries of combined production capacity exceeding 25 tons per day.
  • Vegetable (bark) of combined production capacity exceeding 50 tons per day.           

Provided however, where the projects and undertaking set out in items 20 to 30 are located within Industrial Estates and parks as described at (19) above, the approval shall not be necessary under the provisions of Part IV C of the Act.

31.    Industries which involved the manufacture, storage or use of Radio Active Materials as defined in the Atomic Energy Authority Act No. 19 of 1969 or Explosives as defined in the Explosives Act No. 21 of 1956, excluding for national security reasons.      


32.    All projects and undertaking listed in Part I irrespective of their magnitudes and irrespective of whether they are located in the coastal zone or not, if located wholly or party within the areas specified in Part III of the Schedule.   

32.     (a) Construction of all commercial buildings as defined by the Urban Development Authority Law, No. 41 of 1978 and the construction of dwelling housing units, irrespectively of their magnitudes and irrespective of whether they are located in the coastal zone or not, if located wholly or partially within the areas specified in Part III of this schedule.

33.    Iron and Steel
34.    Non-Ferrous Basic Metal
35.    Basic Industrial Chemicals
36.    Pesticides and Fertilizers
37.    Synthetic Resins, Plastic materials and Man-made Fibres
38.    Other Chemical Products
39.    Petroleum and Petro-chemical Products
40.    Tyres and Tubes
41.    Manufacturing and Refining of Sugar
42.    Alcoholic Spirits
43.    Malt Liquors and Malt
44.    Cement, clinker and Lime
45.    Non-metallic Mineral Products
46.    Paper, Pulp and Paperboard
47.    Spinning, Weaving and Finishing of Textile
48.    Tanneries and Leather Finishing
49.    Shipbuilding and Repairs
50.    Railroad Equipment
51.    Motor Vehicles
52.    Air Craft   

PART III      

1.    Within 100 m from the boundaries of or within any area declared under

the National Heritage Wilderness Act No. 3 of 1988;

the Forest Ordinance (Chapter 451);

whether or not such areas are wholly or partly within the Coastal Zone as defined in the Coast Conservation Act No. 57 of 1981.

2.    Within the following areas whether or not the areas are wholly or partly within the Coastal Zone:       

any erodible area declared under the Soil Conservation Act (Chapter 540)

any Flood Area declared under the Flood Protection Ordinance (Chapter 449) and any flood protection area declared under the Sri Lanka Land Reclamation and Development Corporation Act 15 of 1968 as amended by Act No. 52 of 1982.

60 meters from the bank of a public stream as defined in the Crown Lands Ordinance (Chapter 454) and having a width of more than 25 meters at any point if its course.

any reservation beyond the full supply level of a reservoir

any archaeological reserve, ancient or protected monument as defined or declared under the Antiquities Ordinance (Chapter 188).

any area declared under the botanic Gardens Ordinance (Chapter 446)

within 100 meters from the boundaries of or within any area declared as a Sanctuary under the Fauna and Flora Protection Ordinance (Chapter 469)

within 100 meters from the high flood level contour of or within a public lake as defined in the Crown Lands Ordinance (Chapter 454) including those declared under section 71 of the said Ordinance.  

Last Updated on Thursday, 14 September 2023 06:24




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