
Research & Development Unit

Scope of the former Geo-informatics unit was widened and renamed it as Research & Development Unit in 2013 aiming to contribute towards successful implementation and facilitating implementation of the provisions of the National Environmental Act in order to; 


  • prevention/mitigation of environmental degradation and develop criteria for sustainable management of the environment by way of conducting , promoting, facilitating and coordinating research/studies /surveys and dissemination of information.


  • ensure sustainable management of Environmental Resources of Sri Lanka through application of Geo- information technologies.

 Main functions of the unit

  1. Identify and prioritize significant environmental issues / problems which leads to the degradation of the quality of the environment of the country.

  2. Conduct, promote, facilitate and co-ordinate, surveys, investigations and studies pertaining to the environmental management which are compatible with the mandate of the CEA and dissemination of such information.

  3. Development of a research database with findings /recommendations of environmental research done and research needs which are relevant to the mandate of the CEA.

  4. Develop and update comprehensive geospatial environmental resources database of Sri Lanka to provide geospatial data and do analysis required for environmental planning, management, assessment, monitoring & awareness activities and dissemination of such information

  5. Development of web base GIS system to increase user interface while sharing of data/ information with Provincial and district offices of the CEA

  6. Provide GIS service  on commercial basis
  • Well-equipped GIS laboratory of the R&D unit has facilities to undertake GIS & Remote Sensing work.

Ongoing Research, Studies & Reports

  • The study on mapping and change detection of wetlands in South Eastern River Basing Region in Sri Lanka using Optical and PALSAR remote sensing Preparation of Digital District Resources Profiles
  • Geo - spatial Approach in predicting Soil Erosion and Sediment Yield - A Case study in Samanalawewa
    water shed
  • Investigation of Land use / land cover changers on Bolgoda lake basin using GIS / RS techniques
  • Booklet on Prescribed activities under the NEA-2013
Last Updated on Wednesday, 05 February 2025 06:41




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