At present Sri Lanka has put forwarded several policy tools to address solid waste management in the country 3 R Principle has been recognized as one of the vital practice that could effectively apply to manage solid waste.
Out of the total solid waste generation, metal scrap or metallic waste basically ferrous accounts for significant amount. However due to the high demand for the iron scrap it was one of the fastest moving waste streams in the country few months back
According to the budget proposals put forwarded for 2016, a tax concession has been given to imported billets which are being used as a raw material for the steel industry.
However at present, there is a tendency to create a freezing status in the entire ferrous scrap recycling industry starting from collection to final smelting due to the tax concession.
Further to that there are no any proper quantification data available for the metal recycling sector currently. Hence there is a vital requirement to make available of reliable data on this sector.
Considering this circumstances here by request the eligible persons and organizations to submit brief project proposals along with the financial proposals to carry out the study according to the Terms of Reference on “Current status of the Iron/Ferrous scrap Industry in Sri Lanka” . Proposals should be submitted on or before 20th June 2016 to Director, Waste Management Unit, Central Environmental Authority, 104, Denzil Kobbekaduwa Mawatha, Battaramulla. Further details could be obtained from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , Phone 0112882335
104, டென்சில்கெப்பேகடுவமாவத்தை, பத்தரமுல்லை, இலங்கை.
தொலைபேசி : 011-2872419,011-2872278,011-2873447,011-2873448
துரித அழைப்பிற்கு: 011-2888999