Application for registration of supplier Goods & Services
Application for registration of Contractors
Main Categoreis for Goods / Services / Works
1. Complete application form
2. Constitution of the Organization
3. Register of the members of the organization
4. Register of the Executive committee members
5. A registered certificate which is registered under Divisional Secretariat, District Secretariat or relevant Local Authority
6. A copy of a audit of the account year
7. A brief description about the environmental & other activities going to be implemented in the next years with the participation of the community
8. Last year progress report
9. Awards or certificates obtain locally or internationally, please attach copy of it.
For More Details
Deputy Director General
Environmental Education & Awareness Division Central Environmental Authority
Denzil Kobekaduwa Mawatha,
T.P. 0112872297, 0112873449
With the liberation of the Northern Province in May 2009, the Central Environmental Authority in collaboration with the Disaster Management Center and with the technical assistance of the UNDP initiated actions to carry out an Integrated Strategic Environmental Assessment (ISEA) for the Northern Province. The SEA was integrated with the Disaster Risk Assessment in order to enhance the integration of environmental and disaster risk concerns in the policy planning process.
The main purpose of this study is the acceleration of development in the Northern Province through the identification of freely available lands for development purposes as well as resource requirements for development, while providing a framework to protect environmentally & culturally sensitive areas in the Northern Province.
Although the ISEA for the Northern Province was completed in 2012, the report was reviewed again and finalized in the latter part of the 2014. The information gathered from stakeholder agencies provided a frame work to identify the sensitive areas and the disaster prone areas where development should be restricted or properly managed. After taking out the most sensitive forests, wildlife, marine, coastal and archaeological areas, areas suitable for development activities were identified and mapped. The opportunity map developed, provides space for industrial, agricultural, housing, ecotourism and other economic development activities and provision of services.
The report also includes the major recommendations of all stakeholder agencies involved in the study to be implemented in the Northern Province.
ISEA Report and the Map Atlas of the study are available for download.
E – Waste is a popular, informal name for electronic products that have come to the end of their “useful life” Computers, Televisions, Mobile Phones, Calculators, Stereos, Copiers, Electronic toys and Fax machines are common electronic products.
Considering the environmental consequences of improper management of waste electrical and electronic Equipment (E- Waste), it is urgent requirement to direct these to existing systematic management mechanisms.
Central Environmental Authority as the regulatory arm for the environmental management in the country has declared a week for “National Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Management” from 27th May to 2nd June 2014.
Main event on signing memorandum of understanding with partner companies for safe collection and disposal of E-Waste will be held on 26th May 2014 at BMICH Mihilaka Medura.
Within the E-Waste management week following programmers have been lined up,
Central Environmental Authority |
104, Denzil Kobbekaduwa Mawatha, |
Tel: 011-2872419,011-2872278,011-2873447,011-2873448 |