
Steps in EIA process

1.    Submission of Preliminary Information.

The Project Proponent (PP) should submit Project Approving Agency (PAA) information regarding the nature, location and impacts of a proposed project that requires an EIA/IEE. The best time for a PP to submit the preliminary information on the proposed project is as soon as the project concept is finalized and the location of the project is decided.  The CEA has developed a Basic Information Questionnaire (BIQ) for submission of Preliminary Information. A brief project proposal developed by the PP has to be submitted together with the duly filled BIQ.

2.    Screening of Preliminary Information

Screening of Preliminary Information helps to determine;

whether the proposed project requires approval under Part IV C of the National Environmental Act or falls under the EIA of other relevant Acts.
PAA initiate the EIA process to carry out environmental scoping once satisfy with the adequacy of Preliminary Information received.

3.    Environmental Scoping

Environmental scoping is an early and open process for determining the scope of issues to be addressed and for identifying the significant issues related to a proposed action. The PAA invites all concerned agencies, the PP and other interested persons (if necessary) for the scoping process. The PAA issues the Terms of References (ToR) for the EIA / IEE after the scoping process.

4.    EIA / IEE Report Preparation

It is the responsibility of the PP to prepare the EIA / IEE report and to submit it to the PAA for evaluation. Preparation of EIA reports may require the services of a team of consultants as many specialized areas have to be covered. A list of registered consulting firms who prepare EIA reports is available at the CEA website (EIA consultant list - Link). It is important to note that PP should obtain the services of reliable and adequately qualified experts in the relevant field, in order to ensure that the EIA report is of the required standard.`

5.   Public Participation & Evaluation of the Report

On receipt of an EIA report, it is subjected to an adequacy checking in order to ensure that the ToR issued by the PAA has been met. It is then opened for public inspection / comments for the mandatory of 30 working days.  PAA publishes a notice in Newspapers and website inviting the public to make comments.
If there are any public comments on the EIA report, they are sent to the PP for response.
A public hearing may also be held to provide an opportunity to public to make oral comments.
The PAA appoints a Technical Evaluation Committee (TEC) to evaluate the EIA report and make its recommendations.  The IEE reports are not opened for public comments and are thus subjected to technical evaluation only.

6.    Decision Making

Based on the recommendation of the TEC, the PAA makes its decision on whether to grant approval for the project subject to the specified conditions. If the PAA is not the CEA, it should obtain the concurrence of the CEA prior to decision making. If the PP doesn't agree with the decision of the PAA to refuse granting approval has a right to appeal to the Secretary to the Ministry of Environment. The decision of the Secretary to the Ministry of Environment is final.

7.    Compliance Monitoring

EIA / IEE environmental approval is granted with specific terms and conditions which the PP is expected to meet.  The CEA or the PAA is required to monitor the implementation of conditions / mitigation measures.  If the project proponent violates the conditions, the approval may be revoked.

EIA regulations are published in following Gazette notifications;

•    Gazette Extra Ordinary No. 772/22 dated 24.06.1993

•    Gazette Extra Ordinary No. 859/14 of 23.02.1995                 

•    Gazette Extra Ordinary No. 1104/22 dated 05.11.1999

•    Gazette Extra Ordinary No. 1373/6 dated 19.12.2004

•    Gazette Extra Ordinary No. 1159/22 dated 22.11.2000

•    Gazette Extra Ordinary No. 978/13 dated 04.06.1997


-    A levy scheme exists to cover the administrative charge from the PP for the purpose of the approval process under the regulations [National Environmental (procedure for approval of projects) Regulation No. 1 of 1993 published in Gazette Extra Ordinary No. 772/22 of 24th June 1993].

-    An extension to the environmental approval is required if the validity period is lapsed prior to completion of the project.  

-    The procedure for revalidating the lapsed environmental approval is required to be followed, in case if PP is failed to make the request on time.

-    The PP is responsible for inform the PAA any alteration / expansion or abandonment of such approved prescribed project.

Last Updated on Thursday, 14 September 2023 06:11




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