Environmental Promotions Unit
- Details
One of the main Organizational structure of the Central Environmental Authority is the Environmental Education and Awareness Division. The vision of the Environmental Promotion Unit that functions under this division is the “building of the people’s activities towards the environmental conservation”. The mission process of the Environment Promotion Unit is to sculpt the society towards the environmental conservation, management and promotion through the environmental awareness, sensitivity, interest as well as the ability of quality discernment in the subject among the public, enhance environment friendly attitudes and conservation skills. Environment promotional programs given below are organized through following subject areas with the objective of achieving this process.
Main environment promotional programs:
- Preparation and production of educational learning subsections for printed and electronic media, towards enhancing the knowledge on the environment, understanding and interest of the public. E. g. Sobaketha Magazine, ParisaraPuwath, Posters, handouts, various books, environmental tele-drama, environmental songs, video programs….
- Organizing educational, promotional programs for institutions and targeted groups.
- Organization of national programs related to different subject themes for the World Environment Days. E.g. World Environment Day, World Wetlands Day, World Biodiversity Day.
- Organizing and operation of an annual awarding ceremony performance of Presidential Environment Awards.
- Organization of electronic media programs.
- E.g. Sobaketha radio program, Discussion programs on television / Radio, creation and publicity of short TV advertisements.
- Writing articles for newspapers on timely environmental trends, special environment days, management of different environmental issues etc., preparation of press releases, providing media coverage for programs of the different sections of the CEA, reviewing of daily news in the media, and providing reviewing news related to the activities of the Central Environmental Authority to the higher management. Organization of the preparation of replies to such reviews to the media through coordinating with subject related divisions.
- Organizing press conferences for media persons on special occasions.
- Organization of preventive programs on timely environmental and health issues, spreading out of epidemics, e.g., dengue prevention program.
- Organization of environmental educational exhibitions and providing the service of mobile exhibition stalls to governmental and private organizations as well as for schools, on requests.
- Organization of tree planting programs.
- Organization of environment promotional programs for national cultural festivals such as Kandy Dalada Perahera, Anuradhapura Poson Festival, Katharagama Esala Perahera. Thalawila Festival…..
- Maintenance of Sobaketha centers, and organization of educational programs. e.g., Sobaketha field centers at Rumassala and Aththidiya.
- Registration of community organizations and coordination of organizational information to institutions and scholars who make requests.
- Evaluation activities of electronic and print media sector in the Presidential Environment Awards and organizing of media programs of the ceremony.
- Media coordination of the Presidential Medal program.
- Media coordination of the National Environment Pioneer’s Camp.
- Entering and updating the official web page and the official Facebook page of the Central Environment Authority.
- Socialization of the scientific and technical interventions of the Central Environment Authority as the national organization on monitoring of Sri Lankan environment.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 05 February 2025 06:31