
Environmental Education and Awareness Unit

Environment Education and Awareness (EEA) Unit of the Central Environmental Authority was established with the consideration of paying a way for the good practice in decision making process and self-formulation of a code of behavior about issues concerning environmental quality in Sri Lanka.


To create Education and Awareness for various target groups among public to obtain their active participation for the protection and conservation of healthy environment.


To develop the Sri Lankan population with aware and concerned about the environment and its associated problems along with knowledge, skills, attitudes, motivation, and commitment to work individually and collectively towards solution of current problems and the prevention of burden issues related to environment.


• To build awareness of all groups in Sri Lanka to be sensitive to the total environment and its allied problems.

• To develop wide array of knowledge with basic understanding and experience of the total environment and its associated problems and critically responsible presence of the humanity and role in it.

• To develop attitudes of concern for the environment and motivate to participate actively in environmental improvement and protection.

• To enhance skills development for identifying, investigating and solving environmental problems.

• To get participation with understanding, skills, and self-esteem, as well as opportunities to be actively involved at all levels in working towards the resolution of environmental problems.

In order to move towards the ambitious goals and objectives of the Environment Education and Awareness Unit, developed interim, short term and long term strategies and plans.

EEA Unit expects that the activities in compliance with the strategies will permit to put forward effective environmental education and awareness programmes to encourage broad based participation of all groups in Sri Lanka from ‘grass roots’ level.

Activities of the EEA Unit

1. Workshops to develop Environmental Educational Activities at Pre-school level:

     Preschool programme is aimed to cultivating environmentally friendly habits from childhood.

2. Formation of Eco Clubs:

      Environmental activities through Eco clubs have been introduced to the primary level in schools to influence the values, behaviours   and attitudes of children. These clubs are formed with students from grade 1-5 at primary school level.

3. National Environmental Pioneer Programme (NEPP):

National Environmental Pioneer Programme is an Environment Education & Awareness programme conducted for students of grade 6-13 at secondary level school by the CEA with the co-operation of the Ministry of Education since 1984. The objective of this programme is to sensitive children at a young age on environmental issues and produce environmentally concerned citizens who take care of mother land, its people and its environment.

• Training Programs for Provincial, Zonal and Divisional Coordinators of the Education Department.
• Training Programs for School Principals.
• Training Programs for Teachers.
• Training Programs for Environmental Pioneer Commissioners.
• Youth Leadership Development Programmes for Environmental Pioneers
• Increasing medals holders and membership
• Production of materials for Environment Pioneer Programme
• Implementation of Eco projects at School Level
• Implementing Eco projects for Presidential medal winners
• Printing of District Environmental Pioneer News Letter.
• Organizing and conducting Environment Pioneer District/ Provincial and National Camp
• Awarding of Environment Pioneer President’s Medal

4. Establishing the Environmental Pioneer Forum at district/ national level.

5. Sri Lanka Green Youth Club Programme.

6. Conduct Green Leader Programme for training teachers at National College of Education.



Last Updated on Monday, 17 February 2025 03:57




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